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Broadband Task Force Submits Status Report - Update

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The task force developing the National Broadband Plan issued a status report to the Federal Communications Commission, or FCC, on Tuesday. The report said the task force conducted 26 workshops and hearings and another six have been scheduled. About 230 witnesses testified during these sessions, the report added.

FCC has to deliver the Plan to Congress on February 17, which addresses broadband deployment, adoption, affordability, and the use of broadband to advance solutions to national priorities.

In the presentation, the task force said about 41,000 pages of written comments have been filed with the FCC in response to its National Broadband Plan Notice of Inquiry and another 143 response to Public Notices requesting more focused information. Nearly 40 blogs have been posted on the FCC's new Blogband page, which have prompted over 300 comments.

The presentation includes an initial report on the current state of broadband in the U.S., and describes the framework the team will use to analyze gaps in broadband's reach and find solutions to close those gaps.

With regard to application, the task force found that actual broadband speeds lag advertised speeds by as much as 50% to 80%. About 1% of users drive 20% of traffic, while 20% of users drive up to 80% of traffic, it noted.

Regarding deployment, the presentation said, ''The incremental cost to universal availability varies significantly depending on the speed of service, with preliminary estimates showing that the total investment required ranging from $20 billion for 768 Mbps-3Mbps service to $350 billion for 100 Mbps or faster.''

It found that nearly 2/3 of Americans have adopted broadband at home, while 33% have access but have not adopted it. Another 4% say they have no access to broadband where they live. The task force has commissioned its own survey to learn how attitudes toward broadband and technology, affordability and personal context affect adoption. Results are expected in November.

(Market News Provided by RTTNews)

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